List APIs

All service programs in common is that they work the same way and that they can manage several lists at the same time. A list is created by a call to the f_opnXxxLst-function. The f_opnXxxLst-functions returns a handle to the caller. This handle is passed to every other function of the service program in order to identify the list. The list entries can be retrieved with the f_getFirstXxx-function and the f_getNextXxx -function. The f_cloXxxLst-function closes the list and frees all allocated resources.


(Changed: 09.02.2017)

List Jobs V2.1.4
The LSTJOB service program uses the QUSLJOB API and the QUSRJOBI API to create a list of jobs. The list can be unsorted or sorted by job name or status. LSTJOB uses the tmpnam, strtok, qsort and memcpy C functions.

Prerequisites: BASICS1 V1.10.


(Changed: 24.07.2019)

List Spooled Files V1.3.1
The LSTSPLF service program uses the QUSLMBR API and the QUSRSPLA API to create a list of spooled files. The list can be unsorted or sorted by user data, user profile or number of pages (asc/desc). LSTSPLF uses the tmpnam, strtok, qsort and memcpy C functions.


(Changed: 24.07.2019)

Retrieve Constraint List V1.2.1
The RTVCSTL service program uses the QDBRTVFD API to create a list of constraints of a file. In contrast to the other service programs the sort parameter is available but not yet in use.


(Changed: 13.02.2017)

Retrieve Field Attributes V1.8
The RTVFLDA service program uses the QDBRTVFD API to retrieve filed attributes of fields of a given file. In contrast to  RTVFLDL the RTVFLDA service program is very fast because it does not utilize a user space. Like using a dictionary fields can be retrieved randomly.

Prerequisites: BASICS1

(Changed: 26.09.2002)

Retrieve Field List V1.2.1
The RTVFLDL service program uses the QUSLFLD API to create a list of fields of a file. The list can be unsorted or sorted by name. RTVFLDL uses the tmpnam, strtok, qsort and memcpy C functions.

(Changed: 26.09.2002)

Retrieve Key List V1.2.1
The RTVKEYL service program uses the QDBRTVFD API to create a list of key fields of a file. RTVKEYL uses the memcpy  C function.


(Changed: 13.02.2017)

Retrieve Member List V1.4.2
The RTVMBRL service program uses the QUSLMBR API to create a list of members of a file. The list can be unsorted or sorted by name or creation date. RTVMBRL uses the tmpnam, strtok, qsort and memcpy C functions.

Prerequisites: BASICS1 V1.10.

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