WSDL2RPG was developed to ease the use of Web Services from RPG. Based on the WSDL file, published by the Web service provider, WSDL2RPG generates a Web service client module, that can directly be called the same way as any other procedure. Currently most “simple” Web services - without attachments - are supported. It is intended to also support Web services with attachments later on.

The installation package contains all required service programs, except of Scott Klement’s HTTPAPI. HTTPAPI v1.24 or higher as well as the included SAX parser have to be installed before WSDL2RPG.

WSDL2RPG is shipped as a save file. In order to install WSDL2RPG, please upload the save file to your iSeries. Then compile and run the install program A_INSTALL. The zip file contains detailed installation instructions.

Included service programs (current versions):


  • John Fox (Parameter Structure Visualizer, FAQ)
  • Sam David (Bug fixes)

WSDL2RPG is not available any more, because it takes disproportionate time that I can no longer spend due to carrer changes. So I do no longer work as a RPG developer.

Furthermore I think that WSDL2RPG has reached its end of life, because todays web services have become more and more complex. For example, WSDL2RPG does not support attributes.


(Changed: 19.06.2023)

WSDL2RPG V1.17.0

Important Note: The processing of multi-reference elements of RPC encoded web services was completely changed with v1.12 again. Despite of that old stub modules still work with v1.12 it is highly recommended to re-generate them.

Note: Starting with Version 1.12 you need to update your HTTP API to version 1.24 (beta10) or higher. Additional information is included in install_instructions_v1.12.txt.

Note: PTF SI23472 is required to run WSDL2RPG on V5R2.

Printable FAQ Documents

FAQ How to create a Test Program v1.6

FAQ How to Save Response to Stream File v1.1

FAQ How to Send Base64 Encoded Passwords v1.0

FAQ How to Troubleshoot Performance Problems v1.2

FAQ How to Upload Base64 Encoded Files v1.1

FAQ How to Use Dynamic Arrays v1.8

FAQ Not all data was written v1.2

FAQ Proxy and HTTP Server requires Authentication v1.4

FAQ Unexpected Soap element received from the web service v1.0

FAQ Useful Procedures v0.2 (under construction)

FAQ Web Service sends Schema and Any Elements v1.0

FAQ What Do I Need to Know For Upgrading to The latest Release v1.1

FAQ What service programs are needed at runtime v1.0

FAQ What to do in case of a RNF0501 compile error message v1.1



You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader or a similar product to view or print the PDF documents. A copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site.

(Stand: 17.06.2023)


Not yet available.

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